Happy Valentines Day
I would like to start off this illustrious blog by saying I hope everyone enjoyed this years valentines day as much as I did. I spent the evening with a very special lady who as mentioned in my previous blog......my valentines day started off as something out of a fairy tale novel. I arrived at my loves home to pick her up as we were to attend a ball earlier which I must say we both thoroughly enjoyed. After the ball it was time to wine, and dine my love. I took her to a place called "
Brunel Hall Hotel and Restaurant " which you can easily locate by searching within the second life viewer. The atmosphere was quite nice....but it was decided that we would both not drink any alcohol. I was driving, and I think it's hard enough to control an SL car sober can you imagine me trying to control it wasted? lol anyway after we left the restaurant we walked to Paris.....yes you heard me right we actually walked from an American restaurant all the way to Paris, and not only do we walk to Paris but this was Paris set in 1900.....we have skills we can walk from America to Paris and time travel at the same time. I think I should move onto the fashion portion of this blog before it gets too funny.......

I was a little stressed when I received the news I was being invited to a ball.....I literally didn't own a suit until mere hours ago...in any case I did some serious searching. I tried on several demo's, and clearly my search was getting me nowhere until purely by chance. I happened upon a store called " Kauna " and at first glance on the marketplace even in a small thumbnail I could make out several high details so I decided to pay them a visit in world. I headed down and tried on the demo of the classic tuxedo in black, and after trying on the demo. I was hooked completely totally hooked this suit has unbelievably high detailed textures the tuxedo also has two options in the jacket for both open, and closed look...also the white shirt underneath gives you the option of having either white buttons or black...as you can see in the pictures above I chose the black button option....add ons for the tuxedo can be purchased separately. I figured that since the main theme for the masquerade ball was red I needed to add a touch of red to this fine suit so I looked around and noticed that they had a crimson set consisting of a crimson bow tie, a crimson cummerbund, and handkerchief the thing I liked also about the handkerchief is that it comes with two options for using it with both the open version of the jacket, and the closed version. The shoes I chose are also from kauna, and are called brogues and they fit like a glove. I really didn't have to do any adjusting of these shoes they fit perfectly right out of the box so with saying that. I suggest, and highly recommend if you need a suit for any formal occasion albeit weddings or a formal dinner date head down to kauna, and pick up a suit they're the finest I have seen on SL so far!
Picture Credits:
Skin: Fruk - Jeremy skin shade 3 Dark brown
Eyes: Mayfly - Deep Sky Eyes (London Fog Shadow, w3)
Hair: Hair TYLER -Dark- *REDGRAVE*
Hands: Slink Male Hands (AvEnhance) M - Relaxed
Jacket: Kauna - Tuxedo Jacket: Black [CLOSED] (M)
Shirt: Kauna - Tuxedo Shirt UNDER: White (M)
Pants: Kauna - Tuxedo Trousers [LONG]: Black (M)
Bow Tie: Kauna - Tuxedo BowTie: Crimson (M)
Cummerbund: Kauna - Tuxedo Cummerbund: Crimson (M)
Handkerchief: Kauna - Tuxedo Handkerchief: Crimson [CLOSED] (M)
Shoes: Kauna - Brogue: Black
Socks: Socks - Black